Sri Sathya Sai

To unify, To strengthen, and To expand “Sri Sathya Sai Organizations“ globally and firmly establish their connection to the sacred Abode of Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam with greater coordination and cooperation as directed by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!
Brief History of Sri Sathya Sai Organizations Website Content
In 1961 during the festival of Dussera, Sri Sathya Sai Baba announced:
I am starting a Seva Samithi (Service Center). The persons who become members of this samithi (center) and perform selfless service will be liberated from the cycle of birth and death; not only they, but also their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. But the test will be severe. I will see how many will withstand this trial and emerge victorious in the end.
This marked the sowing of the seeds of a unique organization – totally voluntary and accepting within its fold any individual without any distinction based on caste, color, creed, language, faith or socio-economic status and which would develop into a gigantic tree spreading across the world in more than 120 countries.
On 18th of March 1963 a Sri Sathya Sai Bhajan (Devotional Singing) Centre was inaugurated in Baba’s ashram in India, Prashanthi Nilayam (“Abode of Peace”). Within a few years, several Bhajan groups came into existence in various states in India.
On the 5th of July 1965 the first Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi was formally constituted in Bombay (presently known as Mumbai) by a few devotees which was blessed by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Over the next year similar units formed in various other states with the guidance of Baba who personally guided the structure and function with administrative rules and regulations founded on the principles of Love and Service:
The Sai Organisation is set up to develop and foster Love; it is not set up through compulsion; it arose from the heart and it expands the heart. The inner desire to achieve Love and expand Love has taken outer shape as this Organisation. 21 November 1970
The Organisations named after Me are not to be used for publicising My Name, or creating a new cult around My worship. They must try to spread interest in japam (recitation of God’s Name), dhyaanam (meditation) and other saadhanas (spiritual practices), which lead man Godward; they must demonstrate the joy derivable from bhajan (devotional group singing) and Naamasmarana (remembering God’s Name), the Shaanthi (peace) that one can draw from Sathsang (good company). They must render seva (service) to the helpless, the sick, the distressed, the illiterate and the needy. Their seva (selfless service) should not be exhibitionistic; it must seek no reward, not even gratitude or thanks from the recipients. Seva is saadhana, not a pastime of the rich and well placed. Each one must realise his own truth. That is the purpose of all the teaching, all the curing, all the counselling, all the organising, all the advising that I do. 17 May 1968
I have not got the slightest intention to utilise the Seva Samithis (Service Organisations) for propagating My Name or canvas homage for My Name. No! I am content only when spiritual endeavours and disciplines to elevate and purify man are progressing everywhere. 17 May 1968
Starting in the late 1960’s, spiritual seekers from around the world were drawn to Prasanthi Nilayam and with the blessings of Baba started local centers in Sri Lanka, USA, Mexico, East Africa, and Australia and the first World Conference of the Sai Organizations took place in Bombay (Mumbai). Over the ensuing decades centers were flourishing in over 120 countries with World conferences held every 5 years, where Baba would unite, instruct, guide the organization through various committees, councils and foundations, which were adapted over time to suit the circumstances and needs of the time. Baba would personally guide the various entities in their day-to-day functioning. In 2021, the worldwide units of the organization combined all the entities – the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, which managed the ashram institutions, universities, and hospitals; the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations which managed the centers and trusts throughout India; along with the centers all around the world, in a showing of unity to form the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council.