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HEAL - "Help the Environment Act with Love"

Do you want to Become an Eco Champ? This is your time to offer your transformation for Swami's Centenary Birthday!

​Our objective is to provide tips, resources, activities and insights into being more environmentally responsible in our daily lives. Developing a spiritual connection and personal transformation through nature based initiatives is the ultimate goal.

We aim to achieve this by creating national guidelines for sustainable center practices, expanding the scope of regional conservation service projects, and providing resources to individuals for eco-conscious self- and home- improvement so that they can expand and share in their own communities.

What is Creation? Creation means the expression of the Will of God. It is called Nature. Everything that has emerged from Nature must necessarily have the quality of Nature. Man is born to express the quality of Nature. Creation refers to manifestation of thoughts.

Sathya Sai Baba, Pg. 11 God, Nature, and Man


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Help the Environment Act with Love


Whatever man seeks to achieve, he has to rely on Nature. Nature is not anyone’s private property. It belongs to God. Without the grace of the Lord no one can enjoy the benefits of Nature. Not realizing this truth, some people embark on the exploitation of Nature, out of arrogance and self-conceit. This is highly misconceived.

--Sathya Sai Baba


The five elements — ether, air, fire, water, and earth – are the vesture of God, as well as of man. Use them moderately and with wisdom, with fear and humility.

--Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks VI, 27, 125.


Mountains help man to build houses by using stone slabs, quarried from them. Trees provide the timber for constructing houses and also firewood for domestic use. Among animate beings, every creature, from an ant to an elephant, is of assistance to man in one way or another. Cows provide nourishing milk to man. Bullocks are useful for ploughing the fields and helping to grow food crops. All other creatures like birds, fish, sheep, and others are serving man in different ways.

-- Sathya Sai Baba 1988


Today, all the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) are polluted and, consequently man is mired in insecurity. Today the world is losing its ecological balance as man, out of utter selfishness, is robbing mother Earth of her resources like coal, petroleum, iron, etc. As a result, we find earthquakes, floods, and such other devastating natural calamities. Human life will find fulfillment only when ecological balance is maintained. Balance in human life and balance in Nature, both are equally important.


Nature is more progressive than Man, and to protect Nature, Man has to make use of it within limits. When Man tampers with Nature recklessly, It reacts adversely and trouble arises. In order to protect Nature, Man has to place a ceiling on desires.

--Sathya Sai Baba, “The Predicament of Man Today,” Discourse 21-1-1993 (in In His Image by Madeleine Guillemin, p. 55)


“Today the world is losing its ecological balance as man, out of utter selfishness, is robbing the mother Earth of her resources like coal, petroleum, iron, etc. As a result, we find earthquakes, floods and such other devastating natural calamities. Human life will find fulfillment only when ecological balance is maintained. Balance in human life and balance in Nature, both are equally important. Today even marine life is in danger due to so-called advancement in science. Advancement in science is welcome but it should not lead to ecological imbalance. The people and the world at large should be benefited from science. But today everyone is interested in selfish gains. No one seems to care for society. The food that we eat, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, are all polluted. In fact, all the five elements, which are of utmost importance for man, are polluted.”

-- Sathya Sai Speaks vol.33:15


Man has the rare good fortune of adoring Nature as the Body of God and offering grateful worship to God. But, is he conscious of God being the Source and Sustenance? Does he give God the first place in his thoughts which is His due? Or, is he engaged in the activities of life in total disregard of God? It is a pity that, instead of paying attention to God, Nature and Man, in that order, men today are concerned most with themselves, more with Nature and very much less with God. From birth to death, from dawn till night, man pursues fleeting pleasures by the exploitation, the despoiling, the desecration of Nature, ignoring the truth that it is the property of God, the Creator, and any injury caused to it is a sacrilege which merits dire punishment.

-- Divine Discourse, July 11, 1985.


“The five elements have to be adored and treated reverentially, as the Rig Vedha directs. Worship them in humility.”

--(Dasara Discourse, Prashanti Nilayam, Oct. 20, 1982)


The scriptures (Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita) declare, “All Nature is God” and “The Lord is in all beings”. When learning about the sublime secrets of the trees, appreciate the Creator and strive to understand the principles behind creation. Life is a tree. The mutual relationship we cultivate and cherish are symbolized by the branches, twigs and leaves; the thoughts arising in the mind are the flowers; Ananda (Joy) is in the fruit, Dharma is the sweet juice it contains. The tree is held firm by the very roots which fed it...roots that symbolize faith and self-confidence. Nurture the roots well.

-- Divine Discourse, February 18, 1980.


“Our primary task is to purify the environment which is affected by pollution of air, water and food. All the five elements are affected by pollution. People should, therefore, try to reduce the use of automobiles and control the emission of harmful industrial effluents.”

-- Sathya Sai Speaks vol 26:4

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