Sri Sathya Sai Educational Program
The end of education is character
The end of culture is perfection
The end of knowledge is Love
The end of wisdom is freedom
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
To rekindle in us the ancient wisdom present in Bhagawan’s teachings, to course-correct and move forward toward or higher purpose in life, and to save and protect our suffering planet.

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(Only for participants registered for the course)

I am not for the indiscriminate reading of books, however valuable they may be. Much reading confuses the mind; it fosters argumentation and intellectual pride. What I insist upon is putting the things read into practice – at least a thing or two. Moreover, you must remember that the book is only a pointer, a guide, a signpost. Reading is not completion of the journey. It is only the first step. Read for the sake of practicing; not for readings sake.
May 18, 1968
– Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Want to be part of the SSSEP Team or for more information?
Please contact: sssgc.sssep@gmail.com