Ladies Wing
In this infinite universe, among the myriads of living beings, humanity is eminent. Among human beings, it is a privilege to be born as a woman….All the greater sages, and saints, heroes and warriors were born to women "who made them great”. Woman is the Goddess of Nature. Gayathri, which enshrines the essence of the Vedas, is a goddess, venerated as Veda Matha (the mother of the Vedas). It is obvious that feminine birth is estimable, adorable and sublime. The Veda also adores the feminine principle in various ways. Vedhik rituals and practices accord a high place to women.
Sathya Sai Baba, Vol 28, Ch 33, 1995

The mission of the newly-established Zone 1 Ladies Wing is to understand, embrace and share the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to empower women to blossom to their full potential in all aspects of life and in the multitude of roles that they fulfill.

To inspire and empower women to cultivate awareness of their innate divinity and to practice and model the inborn human values of truth, right action, peace, love and non-violence in all their roles.
In 1969, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba began the Mahila Vibhag or Ladies Wing of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization in India with the goal of engaging women as Bal Vikas gurus, to lead societal transformation through the restructuring of education with a goal of nurturing the expression of human values in children, and to encourage women’s participation in devotional and service activities. He awakened all devotees to the special character qualities and attributes that women possess – love, compassion, sacrifice, patience, strength, forbearance, determination, to name a few – and constantly emphasized the critical role of women in society and of mothers in the upbringing of children and the creation of harmonious homes. In 1995, Swami declared that November 19th would be celebrated each year as Ladies Day as a constant reminder of the central role of women in all arenas of life.
Center Ladies Wing
SSSGC Zone 1 Ladies Wing
The following proposal may be utilized by the National and Regional leadership teams to review with the Centers, who can choose to establish a Ladies Wing depending on the needs and wishes of their membership.
We hope that this document provides the basic structure of the Ladies Wing in Zone 1 and indication of interest for the National and Regional leadership teams to disseminate to the Centers.
Consideration of the establishment of an optional Ladies Wing by every Center is encouraged.
A Ladies Wing Lead can be appointed by the Center Committee to serve at the Center level for a period of 1-2 years.
The frequency of Ladies Wing meetings at the Center level will depend on the logistics of the Center, and should be guided by the ladies of the Center.
Organization of activities based on the survey data shared above.