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"Pathway to Prasanthi - Parthi Pilgrimage" July 10-17, 2022

Writer's picture: nadellaknadellak

Dear Sai Family members of Canada, USA and the West Indies:

We are most fortunate that by His Grace we have been blessed to be able join together on an inner and outer journey to Prasanthi Nilayam! The auspicious dates of our "Pathway to Prasanthi - Parthi Pilgrimage " (July 10-17, 2022) have been confirmed with ashram authorities, who will graciously accommodate our group. Please mark the dates on your calendar and encourage your friends, neighbors and family to join in on this most sacred opportunity. Please feel free to share the attached introductory flyer. A website dedicated to the pilgrimage will be the principle means for registering as well as for getting the latest updates and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) such as up to date COVID precautions and medical travel guidelines, necessary passport and visa requirements, dress codes, designated group seating, meals, accommodation, children’s programs, young adult programs, tours, musical offerings, workshops, talks from eminent speakers, and service opportunities including serving in the medical camp.

What is the purpose of a pilgrimage? Swami answers this important question during His Divine Discourse, 28th February, 1964:

As a result of the pilgrimage, your habits must change for the better, your outlook must widen, your inward look must become deeper and become more steady. You must realise the omnipresence of God, and the Oneness of Humanity. You must learn tolerance and patience, charity and service. After the pilgrimage is over, sitting in your own home and ruminating over your experiences, you must determine to seek the higher, the richer and the more real experience of God-realisation. I bless you that you may form that determination and strive step by step to achieve that Goal”.

In short, the entire process, from pre-pilgrimage, pilgrimage, to post-pilgrimage is that of transformation using the principles of Love, Sacrifice, and Unity. Therefore, we all need to, together, resolve to intensify our personal spiritual practice via the 1008 Sadhana program1008 Sadhana program. Leading up to the pilgrimage, we will provide monthly relevant study circle material, as well as release short motivational videos by members who wish to share their progress with the sadhana practice(s) they are employing. During the pilgrimage we will resolve to stay the entire duration, keep our focus on Swami, and attend all the uplifting activities planned for our benefit. After the pilgrimage, we will reflect, pray, and show our appreciation to Swami by being better human beings who are closer to earning the designation of “devotee”.

Next Steps:

  1. Visit 1008 Sadhana program website to start your spiritual offering:

  2. Visit “Pathway to Prashanti” website to complete registration starting Thursday, October 7, 2021:

  3. Plan your travel itinerary to arrive in the ashram on or before 9th July, 2022 evening and depart on or after 17th July, 2022 evening

Sai Ram,

Aruna Suvendran, Canada National President

Krishna Ramoutar, Trinidad National President

Balasubramanyam Karanam, USA National President

Axay Kalathia, Zone 1 Chair

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council

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