A very loving Sai Ram to all of you from the Zone 1 Sri Sathya Sai Educational Program (SSSEP) committee members.
We hope you participated and enjoyed the inaugural session of the Sri Sathya Sai Awareness course on FEB 12th. Your feedback on how to further improve this course offering is welcome.
The second session is on Saturday, FEB 26th from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET.
We hope you can join once again, and we look forward to actively engaging with you in our transformation with Swami.
In the Loving Service of Sai,
Raja Rao (USA), Chair Jaysai Ghayal (USA), Co-Chair Ananthy Mahendran (Canada) Gaitree Marajh (Trinidad &Tobago) Jason Carpenter (USA) Vijay Sagramsingh (USA) Axay Kalathia (USA)