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SSSGC Information and FAQs

Writer's picture: nadellaknadellak

Sai Ram Dear Respected Elders, Fellow Brothers, and Sisters,

Given the recent unfortunate events within the Sai Family, and to continue Swami’s mission to further the spiritual progress of mankind, we humbly write to you to hopefully provide some more clarity around the following points:

  1. What is the purpose and intent of the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC)?

  2. At a high level, what is the function and structure of the SSSGC to achieve its purpose and intent?

  3. What are answers to some of the common questions/misconceptions about the SSSGC and source of disagreement with the SSSIO

1. What is the purpose and intent of the SSSGC?

The SSSGC was formed to enhance the Sai Mission by formally uniting Sai organizations under one umbrella. Prior to the 2011 Mahasamadhi, Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s physical presence guided and connected all who reported to him from Prashanti Nilayam including the three primary wings of his organization: Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (SSSCT), Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization (India), and Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO).

In the absence of Bhagavan’s physical presence, the necessity to have a coordinating body which can ensure coordination and consistency of message across his organization was internationally requested by numerous devotees. Thus, the SSSGC was formed, and is comprised of leaders from around the world organized within a transparent, fair, and balanced structure to achieve these objectives and ensure the purity and accuracy of Bhagavan’s message is preserved globally for posterity.

Please find the following video links that further discuss this topic here:

2. At a high level, what is the function and structure of the SSSGC to achieve its purpose and intent?

The primary aim is to largely preserve the current autonomy of each pillar of the Sai organization while also providing a transparent and fair oversight through a combined representative body of all the pillars. Please refer to the Terms of Reference Document that is attached in this email that outlines the structure in detail. In addition, please find attached a document (SSSGC-SSSIO Differences and Rationale.pdf) which highlights key differences with the SSSIO on the proposed SSSGC structure and some rationale for it.

3. What are answers to some of the common questions/misnomers about the SSSGC and source of disagreement with the SSSIO

Please refer to the attached FAQ document which addresses many common questions from devotees.

It is our fervent hope that you will read, view, and review the materials below and come to a decision of the heart on how to further bring unity and connection to Bhagavan and his Abode of Peace, Prashanthi Nilayam. We humbly hope and pray you will join us so we can all work together to further Bhagavan’s divine mission.

If you are an individual or a center office bearer, please feel free to register individually or based on consultation with your membership to the Global Council here: SSSGC Registration. Any additional questions or requests for discussion, can be made through the following email address:

Please do visit our official websites for the latest announcements and relevant registration and informational documents and videos:

With Love and in the service of Bhagavan,

The Sri Sathya Sai Global Council

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